Farmer John's Meat Packing Plant - Tucson
NOTE: An updated version of this post and others can be found at:
Along the North wall the road is somewhat untraveled and easy to park along. The train drives right by, so noise can easily be muted. However, I doubt any trouble would arise unless someone wanted to scope out your car. I locked my doors, but didn't give it a second thought. There's a gate on the North-West corner that is easy to slip between, and then you're in an open field filled with tall dry grass and a boot of gopher holes. A quick run across the field will drop you into the small stockyard. Full of dilapidated stalls, a large truck scale, and plenty of odd sounds, we were lucky enough to catch a barn owl. It scared the wits out of me, but in retrospect was quite interesting.
There is an open door or entry way somewhere around the building that escapes me, however once inside the true strange stillness that accompanies any urban spelunking abounds. In the electrical room a large crane hangs silent, equipment and cat-walks are stationary. A bit of a climb up to the top reveals an elevator which will easily put you on the roof. More so, rooms seem to echo with days past, with cattle and men working together. Large open rooms with drains across the floor tell this tale clearly.
With a bit more knowledge about the factory and it's history may add quite a bit more to the experience.
Out the same way in. Notice the South wall is right along Grant Rd. and therefor a presence is quite obvious to traffic.
*These details are fictitious. This post in no way condones the violation of federal or state laws, vandalism, trespassing, or misuse of property. Copyright 2009 John Patrick Mizell
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